Mark Mückenheim is a licensed architect in Germany and the European Union, the principal of MCKNHM Architects (, and PMCKM Architects ( together with Brazilian architect Maria Paz de Moura Castro (RIZOMA). He is the co-author of the book “Inspiration – contemporary design methods in architecture” released by BIS Publishers, Amsterdam. His award-winning work has been featured in various international book and journal publications and has also gained reputation through a number of exhibitions in Germany and abroad – among them the house of architecture in Lille, France, the German Architecture center in Berlin, and the 12th Architecture Biennale in Venice.

Mark Mückenheim has lectured and acted as a guest critic at numerous institutions in Germany and abroad. Among other schools, he taught for more than six years at the distinguished RWTH Aachen before being appointed as a visiting professor and department chair at the TU Munich from 2009 to 2012. Since 2013, he is appointed as the graduate director of the School of Architecture at the Academy of Art in San Francisco.

Educated in Germany, the United States, and England, sponsored by a Fulbright scholarship and a DAAD Merit-Based Grant from the federal German government, Mückenheim received his Master of Architecture from Parsons School of Design, New York, and his Graduate Diploma in Architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.

Collaborators and project partners: Relja Arnautovic, Juliane Demel, Marc Frohn, Andres Fritzen, Niels Jonkhans, Sandra Kauls, Nicole Lambrou, Omar Mansour, Mathis Osterhage, Stefan Rinnebach, Ute Rinnebach, Carolin Risselmann, Stefan Sous, Frank Zeising, Rizoma Arquitetura – Maria Paz & Thomaz Regatos – Brazil, 03Muenchen urban planning Munich, club L94 landscape architects, Peter Drecker landscape architects, (f)Landschaftsarchitektur – Gunter Fischer, GTL landscape architects, rmp landscape architects, Grontmij structural engineers, Visual Department communication and graphic design

Consultants:  Arup, Fuehrer, Kosch, Juerges structural engineers Aachen, Grontmij structural engineers, Peutz acoustical engineers Nijmwegen, Ingenieurbüro Liebkies structural engineer, HL_Technik technical engineers, Winter Ingenieure technical engineers, Integralingenieure technical engineers, Nina Nicolaisen exhibition design, Heinke Haberland artist, TEN Trümper-Erpenbach-Nordhausen GmbH technical engineers, knp.bauphysik technical engineers, Club L94 landscape architects, GTL landscape architects, Peter Drecker landscape architects, Gunther Fischer landscape architect, Greenbox landscape architects, Geo-Consult engineers, Peutz Consult engineers, Ingenieurbüro Günter engineers, ÖbVI Blinken und Töpfer land surveyors, Julien Lanoo photographer

Current and former staff: Tara Abedini, Nojan Adami, Melanie Buschbell, Jasmin Bonn, Kawinthra Chongsuksantikul, Rafael Drzymalla, Suat Eriz, Sascha Glasl, Julia Gross, Amelie Hummel, Inara Jaunzeme, Melanie Klaehn, Marcia Krieger, Carina Kurzhals, Monika Lottritz, Hannah Moon, Takeshi Ogura, Nestor Ou, Mirjam Patz, Felix Reiner, Sima Rusom, Andrea Schmeiing, Ben Shi, Denise Stella, Moritz Schwarz, Kerstin Tulke, Vasilena R. Vassilev, Yi-hsien Rachel Wang, Jing Zhang